Get the Uncut Video of The Course Launch Case Study and All Of The Playbooks.

See Behind The Scenes of How I Helped Khe Get to 6-figures in Course Sales

"Marcio has been instrumental in the growth of the SYP course."

Khe Hy, Founder of Radreads

Here's what you'll get:

The Uncut Video & Slide Deck

See all of the strategies and playbooks we used to help Khe Hy from Radreads go from 5 to 6-figure course launches.

YouTube SEO Growth Playbook

Get more organic traffic on Youtube by following the steps in this playbook.

Get the Monthly Reporting Dashboard

Get a simple dashboard to see your key marketing metrics.

Get the SEO Growth Planner

Follow this checklist to improve your website’s SEO performance fast.

Audience Amplifier Playbook

Generate hundreds and even thousands of warm targeted leads without paying for ads, by learning how to get other people to promote you.

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